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Anti-racism and Black Joy booklists for all ages

TCPL wants to help our community to listen, learn and grow during these challenging times.  We hope these booklists are helpful in your personal education and discussions about anti-racism and add some enjoyment with books celebrating the rich and full lives of African Americans. 

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Letter to the Community, May 2020

Dear Library Community,

First, we miss you and hope this letter finds you safe and well.  

As New York begins the reopening process, we are looking forward to seeing you all again, and sharing physical library materials and programs as well as electronic and virtual resources. Why, then, did we make the decision for Tompkins County Public Library to remain fully closed through June 30?

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TCPL Recommends, Spring 2020

Looking for something good to read, watch, or listen to? TCPL staff has recommendations for you! Many of the following are available to download or stream, and we've noted where you can find them online. Happy exploring!

If you have any questions about the following titles, just Ask a Librarian!

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Storytimes Return....Virtually!

We know you have all missed TCPL's storytimes and staff and we have missed you all terribly too!  We are thrilled to begin rolling out virtual storytimes.  Keep an eye out for others as we are able to produce them.  We'll be offering them online through our social media & here on our website.

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Early Literacy Activity Challenge

We wanted to offer some suggestions for fun activities you can do each day to support your child's early literacy! These activities were created by our very own Kelly and are based on the five early literacy practices of:

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Break for Books Is Expanding!

Inspired by the popularity of Break for Books, our weekly Facebook interactive group chat, we will begin offering Break for Books Jr., Teen Break for Books, and Break for Movies, all found on our Facebook page. Teen Break for Books will also be available on Instagram.

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Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Precautions and TCPL

In response to public health concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Tompkins County Public Library has taken precautions that may help limit the spread of the virus in accordance with recommended practices. TCPL continues to offer access to books, public computers, Wi-Fi, reference services, and a variety of resources and computers dedicated to the 2020 US Census.

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January Patron Comments

Comment: I am wishing for free books and a vending machine at the library.
Response: Thank you for sharing your library wishes with us. Did you know that when you participate in our summer reading program, you can choose a free book to keep? And we hope you enjoy borrowing all the books you can enjoy for free all year long. Did you know there are snack, movie, and even book vending machines? We will put these ideas on our wish list too.

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