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New! Take Home Sensory Kits at TCPL

The Library is proud to now offer take-home Sensory Kits! We are currently offering two Sensory Kits featuring interactive stories and toys such as stretchy bands, fidgets, and tactile stepping stones. We hope these kits will encourage families to incorporate movement and play into their home story times. You can place a hold on either kit using these links: Sensory Kit 1 or Sensory Kit 2.

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Youth Services Staff Picks

Check out some of the books our children's librarians been reading and enjoying!  You'll find our reviews of books for kids and adults.  Enjoy!

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You Heard It At Storytime! : Baby Storytime

We had a huge group today and had a had a lot of fun! After our hello songs and rhymes, we read...

My Body by Jill McDonald

...and shared these to learn more about the different parts of our bodies:

Where Is Big Toe? from Storytime Secrets

Where is big toe? Where is big toe?
Here I am; here I am!
Wiggle, wiggle, big toe
Wiggle, wiggle, big toe
My big toe, my big toe.

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Review: Escape From Asylum by Madeleine Roux

Ricky Desmond isn’t insane.  True, he may have anger management issues, but he always thought that was something that he could deal with.  His parents have threatened to lock him up before, and they had almost gone through with it too.  Almost.  Except that this time, it was past an almost.

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Family Storytime: Pets!

Do you have a pet? If not, what kind of pet would you get if you could? Some of us can't have furry pets because we're allergic. There are some great books about those kinds of situations ; ) and also books to help you pick a pet. There are books with very silly stories about pets (like the one we read today!) and books about when pets pass away :( so hard...! But it will happen. There are books about that, too.
Here's what we read today:

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Toddler & Preschool Storytime: Food!

Food...big eater or picky eater? Loves her veg or hates her veg? One thing we can almost all agree on: pizza is the best! But rhyming is also big fun, so we have books about both, as well as all kinds of food books for every type of eater :) Check out the book list at the end of the post!
Here's what we read today:

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Family Storytime: FOOD!'s one of my favorite subjects! I'll use it at Thanksgiving time most years, but who can limit a food theme to just once a year?? (Not me, apparently :) Hah! Let's see what we got into today on the subject of food......
Here are the books:

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Family Storytime: AFRICA!

Today we celebrated The African Arts Festival with our families and caregivers at Family Storytime! We had special songs and stories, and extra felt board extensions to share with our friends, and a special guest, Jessica Custer-Bindel, who came to share an extra special story about how storytelling began. The perfect story for storytime, if you ask me!

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Toddler & Preschool Storytime: Africa!

Continuing on the Africa theme, we celebrated the African Arts Festival that's going on in our community this month and next at storytime today. I kept it simple with books about African animals, a felt board showcasing a fun book about a boy in an African village and his exceptional chicken, and a song from Swaziland :)
Here's what we read:

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Toddler & Preschool Storytime: The Moon, Space, and Robot Love!

This week is school break week, so I was hoping for extra kids today, and we got them! It's always fun when older siblings come to see what their younger counterparts are up to in Toddler & Preschool Storytime - especially when they used to come when they were little, too :)
Here's what we read today:

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Family Storytime: Out in Space

Science rules!!! And for me, it's just so much fun to think about what's out there in the cosmos :) We did just that today with our Space-themed Family Storytime! What a riot - we had a wonderful crowd today!
Here's what we read:

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Toddler & Preschool Storytime: Birds

I love to watch the birds that stay here in the northeast in the winter time. At our feeders we see house sparrows, cheerful chickadees, loud blue jays, mourning doves, dark-eyed juncos, finches, woodpeckers, and many more. If we're lucky, we'll see some bright red cardinals!

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Family Storytime: Winter Birds

In the middle of winter, it's nice to think about the birds that stay, here in the Northeast. We may see chickadees, crows, blue jays, finches, cardinals, house sparrows, dark-eyed juncos, woodpeckers, nuthatches, titmice...the list goes on! Life isn't easy for the birds this time of year. They need more food to stay strong and healthy through these cold months when snow often covers the seeds, and food is scarce.

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