Friends of the Library
The Friends of Tompkins County Public Library, founded in 1946, is a not-for-profit membership organization for people interested in books and libraries. Our purpose is to stimulate public interest in the library, purchase library materials, and support other cultural and educational programs in Tompkins County. We are able to accomplish many of our goals by the distribution of funds raised during our twice-yearly book sales.
Upcoming Events
Makerspace One-on-One
What do you want to make?
Tompkins Area VITA - Free Tax Preparation Service
This year the Tompkins County Public Library's Digital Lab will host the Tompkins Area VITA - Free Tax Preparation Service. This service is available to low-income residents of Tompkins and Cortland Counties, and is completely free as long a
Makerspace Open Hours
Drop-in open hours, no registration required. Come for a short tour, or stay and work on a project - we have lots of art supplies and ideas to get you making!
Meditation and Mindfulness
Join Anna Salamone of FireFly Farm Retreat for a monthly meditation and mindfulness practice.