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Summer Reading Adventure for Adults!

Summer reading is for everyone! This summer, TCPL has a full array of fun events for an adult audience. From crafts to field trips, there are many ways to get involved. Also, you are invited to fill out review cards for each book you read, to be entered into our summer raffles! Every short review is an entry, so read all summer and drop off reviews by August 15 for your chance to win. (You can find kids' summer reading info here!)

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Author Spotlight: Neil Gaiman

This week’s author spotlight is English writer, Neil Gaiman.  Gaiman is an accomplished writer of short fiction, novels, graphic novels, comics, and film.  I absolutely love the way Gaiman describes his characters and the worlds around them, creating dazzling visuals inside the reader’s head that stick with you long after you put the book down.  He manages to balance elements of fantasy, horror, and wit seamlessly, without clutching to the familiar clichés one would expect from those genres.  

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