Legal Resources Guide
Legal Resources for Tompkins County and More
Tompkins County, NY | Legal Assistance | Online Resources | Primary Law
Tompkins County, New York
3rd Appellate Division / 6th Judicial District
Tompkins County Law Library
Hours: Monday–Friday, 9am–4pm
Address: 320 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca
Phone: 607-216-6623
Supreme, County, Family, Surrogate’s & Drug Treatment Court
Address: 20 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca
Phone: 607-216-6610
Ithaca City Court
Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:30am–12pm & 1pm–4pm
Address: 118 E. Clinton Street, Ithaca
Phone: 607-216-6660
11 Various Town & Village Courts
Bar Association
Tompkins County Bar Association
Phone: 607-398-0506
Local Laws
- Tompkins County Code
- Ithaca City Code
- Ithaca Town Code
- Town/Village Websites
Legal Assistance
LawNY® – A non-profit law firm that provides free legal aid to people with civil legal problems.
Hours: Monday–Friday, 9am–12:30pm & 1:30–5pm
Address: 902 Taber Street, Suite 1, Ithaca
Phone: 607-273-3667
New York State Bar Association Lawyer Referral and Information Service – A referral service for lawyers throughout New York State that offers low-rate consultations.
Hours: Monday–Friday, 9am–12pm
Phone: 1-800-342-3661
Online Resources
Free Online Sources
Nolo – Wide range of legal articles written by attorneys providing basic topical overviews.
New York Attorney General Pamphlets – New York specific information on common legal issues.
New York Lawz – Well indexed guide to New York legal resources.
General Legal References
Overview of Legal Research in NY Public Libraries – Information for public librarians on the courts, the legal process, and available legal online and community resources (including do-it-yourself programs) as well as guidance on the difference between legal information and legal advice.
Cornell Legal Information Institute (LII) – Primary law, legal encyclopedias, and general case law.
FindLaw – Topical articles, state law summaries, and attorney search.
ABA Free Legal Answers – Ask attorneys a specific question about civil legal issues.
American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Public Library Toolkits
- General legal research tips and state-specific resource guides.
- A toolkit meant to help public librarians understand the process of legal research, effectively develop and use the information located within their libraries, utilize information located outside their libraries, with the end goal of helping the patron locate the legal information they need.
Court Help
NY CourtHelp – Court case & system basics. Substantive coverage for most common issues.
General Court Info/Help Line: 1-800-CourtNY (1-800-268-7869)
LiveHelp Chat – Non-attorney information on civil law issues.
Hours: Monday–Friday, 9am–9pm.
DIY Programs – Interactive forms work best in Internet Explorer browser.
Law School Library Research Guides
Primary Law
New York State
New York State Bills (Proposed/Recently Enacted Laws):
New York Codes, Rules and Regulations
- Agency Directory: https://www.ny.gov/agencies
New York State Case Law:
- Recent: https://nycourts.gov/decisions/index.shtml
- Slip Opinions: http://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/lawReporting/Search
- https://law.justia.com/cases/new-york/
- https://caselaw.findlaw.com/courts/New-York (1997-Present)
- Tompkins County Code
- Ithaca City Code
- Ithaca Town Code
- Town/Village Websites
Resources provided by Chris Lund, the 6th Judicial District Law Librarian.