Take and Make STEAM Kits: UV Bead Bracelets!
Thank you for crafting with us! All of the current Take and Make kits at TCPL have been claimed and are unavailable at this time. Please check the Sciencenter for available kits.
Explore light with UV bead bracelets!
Take and Make STEAM Kits: Borax Snowflakes!
Thank you for crafting with us! All of the current Take and Make kits at TCPL have been claimed and are unavailable at this time. Please check the Sciencenter for available kits. We're putting together a new Take and Make kit that will be available sometime in late March. If you would like to suggest a theme please fill out the Google form found here: https://cornell.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ehXj6hCQQFNaL2K
Take and Make STEAM Kits: Snowflake Penny Spinners!
Thank you for crafting with us! All of the current Take and Make kits at TCPL have been claimed and are unavailable at this time. Please check the Sciencenter for available kits. We're putting together a new Take and Make kit that will be available sometime in February.
Explore physics with Snowflake Penny Spinners!
Take and Make STEAM Kits: Paper Helicopters!
Thank you for crafting with us! All of the current Take and Make kits at TCPL have been claimed and are unavailable at this time. Please check the Sciencenter for available kits. We're putting together a new Take and Make kit that will be available sometime in Winter. Any questions or comments, please contact Joah Tang, Library Assistant, by email at jtang@tcpl.org.
Explore flight with twirling paper helicopters!