Eisner Week at TCPL
Did you know here at TCPL we love graphic novels? Whether it's Dog Man, Heartstopper, Jujutsu Kaisen, My Favorite Thing is Monsters, or Batman, you are bound to run into someone on our staff who loves manga and/or graphic novels. That means we are extra excited about Eisner Week, which happens every year from March 1-7.
Will Eisner began as a cartoonist in the 1930’s, drawing several popular comic strips including The Spirit. By the 1970s, he was looking for a new way to express larger, deeper themes and stories, and in 1978 he published one of the first graphic novels, A Contract with God, a collection of short stories based on Eisner’s own experiences. Eisner illustrated the book in an outside the lines (or panels) manner, breaking conventions and the age of the graphic novel soon began.
Here at TCPL, we are celebrating Eisner Week with some really fun events!
On Saturday March 1 join us for Comics, Crafts, and Superheroes. Presented by the Ithaca College's Graphic Novel Advisory Board, young minds can bring their favorite heroes to life through engaging activities. Alongside their favorite stuffed animal or imaginary friend, participants can create their own superheroes, sidekicks, and comics. This event is for ages 3-12. Register today to save yourself a spot!
On Monday March 3 our Panel by Panel Graphic Novel Book Club meets up to discuss this month’s book, Family Style by Thien Pham, A moving graphic memoir about a Vietnamese immigrant boy's search for belonging in America. Registration is required for the book club so sign up today to secure your copy and seat!
Wednesday March 5 join us for Collage-A-Comic! A fun program for ages 5 and up where we will create multi-media comic pages, in a sort of zine style. We will provide pages with and without panels, collage materials, markers, and everything you need. All you need to bring is your creativity. No registration is necessary, just drop in and get cartooning!
And finally, also on Wednesday March 5, is Picturing Other Lives: GNAB Recommends Their Favorite Graphic Memoirs. Ithaca College’s Graphic Novel Advisory Board is highlighting some of their favorite titles for those who love memoirs as much as they love graphic novels.
So until then, enjoy our Graphic novel collections and in the words of Will Eisner, remember that “Comics can capture the human experience like no other medium”.