Baby Storytime

Baby Storytime

It was good to see you all this morning!  Today we started by reading...

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On the Farm by Kate Riggs 

...and shared these songs and rhymes:

Five Eggs and Five Eggs from Jbrary 

Five eggs and five eggs, 
That makes ten. 
Sitting on top Is the mother hen.  
Bock, bock! Crack, crack! 
What’s that I see? 
10 fuzzy chicks as cute as can be!

Clop, Clop, Clop, Clop, Clop from Jbrary 

Clop, clop, clop, clop, clop 
Go and never stop. 
Hop along my little pony 
Where it's smooth and where it's stony. 
(Make clicking noises)

5 Clean and Squeaky Pigs from Mel’s Desk
Tune: Five Green and Speckled Frogs 

Five pigs so squeaky clean
Cleanest you’ve ever seen 
Wanted to go outside and play 
Oink! Oink! 
One jumped into the mud 
Landed with a big THUD
Then there were four clean squeaky pigs

Early Literacy Tip

“Thirty Million Words” Community Read books are now available here at the library for you to take.  Coming soon will be an informal book club!  Learn more here.

Then we read...

Eat by Elizabeth Verdick
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...and shared this silly bounce and a fingerplay:

Pudding on the Plate from Jbrary 

Pudding on the plate, pudding on the plate
Wibble wobble, wibble wobble
Pudding on the plate.
Candies in a jar, 
Candies in a jar 
Shake them up, shake them up 
Candies in a jar. 
Sausage in the pan, 
Sausage in the pan
Turn it round, turn it round 
Sausage in the pan.

Round and Round the Butter Dish

Round and round the butter dish 
One, two, three! 
A little here, a little there, 
As tasty as can be! 

Today we learned the baby sign for eat and drink and practiced them with this song:

This Is the Way 

This is the way we eat our food
Eat our food, eat our food. 
This is the way we eat our food,
Early in the morning.

This is the way we drink our milk 
Drink our milk, drink our milk.
This is the way we drink our milk, 
Early in the morning.

See you next week!