Beginning August 11, Internet and Copy/Fax/Print Services Return
We are pleased to announce that beginning Tuesday, August 11, 2020, limited Internet and Self-Service Copy/Fax/Print Services will be available in addition to our scheduled curbside and lobby hold pickup services. Patrons of all ages will be able to use the internet for 30 minutes per day to complete their Census, fill out job applications, print and scan documents, work on their resume and check their email.
Hours for this service coincide with our in-lobby hours:
Tuesday & Thursday: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Due to social distancing requirements, we can allow only one per person per internet station. There will be a waiting area with 4 chairs for those who are waiting to get onto the internet or parents/caretakers waiting for their children.
See below for answers to your most pressing questions.
Where should I enter and exit the building to use these services?
Part of the reopening plan requires separate entrances and exits for staff and patrons. You will be asked to enter the building on the south side, through the door just beyond the Ezra Cornell mural. Please note that masks and six feet of social distancing are required to enter the building and must remain in place for your entire visit. You will be able to exit the building through the lobby facing Green Street.
How much time will I have on the internet?
You will be allowed one 30-minute session per day.
Will I need my library card to use this service?
Yes, please bring your library card to log in to the computers. You will need your password, which is usually the last 4 numbers of your phone number.
What if I don’t have a library card?
Visit our website and apply here. Once you have applied, we will contact you with your card information and access.
How many computers, printers, fax machines and copiers will be available?
Due to the six feet of social distancing required, the library now has seven internet stations. Two printer/copy machine stations and one fax machine will be available. There is also one scanner station and two Census designated computer stations.
How much does it cost to print and what forms of payment are accepted?
Black and white copies can be made for $.10 per page; full-color copies are $.60 per page. The machines take cash or credit cards.
How will the computers be cleaned?
Patrons will be sanitizing their stations, including printers and copiers, before and after each use with sanitizing wipes. Additional cleaning and sanitizing will occur at least once per day.
What if all the computers are full when I arrive?
There will be a waiting area with 4 physically distanced chairs. If all those are full, a staff member will let you know to come back in half an hour.
Will I need to wear my mask the entire time?
Yes, masks will be required the entire time you are in the library.
Will there be assistance available for questions?
There will be a staff member who will be able to assist you with questions about the internet and self-service copy, fax, and print services. Six feet of social distancing will be maintained.