CCE Tompkins Seed-To-Supper Information Session

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Seed to Supper Volunteer Information Meeting

We need you---passionate gardeners to be volunteer teachers for an innovative and fun gardening program for food insecure residents.

Seed to Supper is a series of five classes for beginning gardeners who want to learn to grow food on a budget. The classes are offered for FREE and will be taught in multiple locations in Tompkins County by trained Seed to Supper educators. Class participants will receive a free 100-page gardening manual, a certificate of completion, and free vegetable seedlings at the end of the course to plant in their own gardens.

The classes are taught through a combination of Powerpoint presentations and hands-on activities. Topics covered include planning a vegetable garden, soil preparation, composting, planting, garden maintenance, pests and diseases, and harvesting. Participants will receive free vegetable transplants at the end of the class series.

CCE Tompkins has a FREE Informational Session to inspire those of you considering becoming a Seed to Supper volunteer. Join us Thursday February 6th from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Tompkins County Public library to learn how you can help Tompkins County residents learn to grow their own food!

More information about Seed to Supper volunteer training, including a downloadable volunteer application and job description, can be found on the CCE website.