Comics, Crafts, and Superheroes

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Program Description

About this event:

Presented by the Ithaca College's Graphic Novel Advisory Board

Become your own (super) hero with the Graphic Novel Advisory Board’s “Comics, Crafts, and Superheroes” program. This super-fun event is where young minds can bring their favorite heroes to life through engaging activities. Alongside their favorite stuffed animal or imaginary friend, participants can create their own superheroes, sidekicks, and comics. Inspired by our favorite superheroes, young readers will be able to read and step into a “super” world through take-home crafts, comic creation, scavenger hunts, and out-of-this-world photo ops. “Comics, Crafts, and Superheroes” is a great place for all superhero lovers to explore what their imaginations can achieve.

For ages 3-12; please register to save your spot!

Will Eisner Week is held March 1-7 each year recognizes the pioneering talents of the artist who merged the comic books and novels. The week encourages us to read, experience, and dream in graphic art form.