Upcoming STEM Opportunities at TCPL

Upcoming STEM Opportunities at TCPL

A series of free Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programs is coming to Tompkins County Public Library in March, thanks to partnerships with Cornell University.

The first program will be Saturday, March 15, when the Steminist Movement at Cornell hosts a science fair in TCPL’s Thaler/Howell Programming Room.

The science fair will run from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and focus on nature’s hidden patterns, from the Fibonacci sequence to the golden ratio. Those in attendance will have the chance to conduct experiments, tackle creative challenges and watch demos that connect science to everyday life. Registration is required. Click here to register.

More science fairs hosted by The Steminist Movement at Cornell are planned for April and May at TCPL. The ideal age range for participants is from 7 to 16 years old. You can learn more about each event and register using the links below.

Science Fair With the Steminist Movement programming is funded in part through a grant from the Community Partnership Funding Board, a program of the Einhorn Center for Community Engagement.

Also this spring, Tompkins County Public Library is teaming up with Women in Computing at Cornell to offer Girls Who Code workshops in the Digital Lab. The first workshop, on Saturday, March 22, will give tweens and teenagers the chance to customize their own flappy bird game. Other events will focus on powerful coding and online tools for adults.

Registration is required and space is limited. You can register at the links below.

Programming from Women in Computing Cornell will be held in the TCPL Digital Lab.

Materials will be provided for the Science Fairs With the Steminist Movement as well as the Girls Who Code workshops with Women in Computing at Cornell. 

All workshops offered at Tompkins County Public Library are free.